

Environment setup

  • If you use https, first edit the .gitmodules file as follows

[submodule "lib/SARA-dictionary"]
   path = lib/SARA-dictionary
   url =
[submodule "lib/RI-measurement-operator"]
   path = lib/RI-measurement-operator
   url =

You can then clone the repository with all the submodules as follows

# Cloning the repo. with all the submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd Faceted-HyperSARA
  • If you are using a properly configured ssh key for Github, you can clone the repository with all the submodules as follows

# Cloning the repo. with all the submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd Faceted-HyperSARA


The full path to the Faceted-HyperSARA repository is referred to as $FHS in the rest of the documentation.

Updating submodules (optional)

From $FHS, issue the following commands

cd $FHS
git pull
git submodule sync --recursive # update submodule address, in case the url has changed
git submodule update --init --recursive # update the content of the submodules
git submodule update --remote --merge # fetch and merge latest state of the submodule


A simple pull instruction from the Faceted-HyperSARA repository does not update the submodules if the version on which it relies has been modified. If this is the case, update the submodules with the instructions provided above.

Getting started

Reconstructing an image cube from an MS-Table

  1. Start by extracting the data from an MS Table using the Python script $FHS/pyxisMs2mat/, that is to be launched from the sub-directory $FHS/pyxisMs2mat/. The data will be extracted as a collection of .mat, saved in the sub-directory $FHS/data. Instructions and examples are provided in the pyxisMs2mat package page (also available in the standalone $FHS/pyxisMs2mat/ file). Data extraction requires the casacore and meqtrees libraries.

%%  the data files contain the following fields.
% Note that flagged data are already discarded.
"frequency"  % channel frequency
"y"  % data (Stokes I)
"u"  % u coordinate (in units of the wavelength)
"v"  % v coordinate (in units of the wavelength)
"w"  % w coordinate (in units of the wavelength)
"nW"  % sqrt(weights)
"nWimag" % (optional field) imaging weights if available (Briggs or uniform), empty otherwise
"maxProjBaseline"  % max projected baseline (in units of the wavelength)
  1. (Optional) Make a copy of $FHS/imaging/default_parameters.json and update the main algorithm parameters specified in this file (all values are set to default, reliable values). Documentation for all the parameters involved is given in the Default parameters page.

  2. (Optional) In order to use pre-estimated calibration kernels, wideband cube and noise level estimates, read carefully the instructions reported in the Optional input datasets page.

  3. Configure imaging.main_input_imaging following the instructions provided in the documentation and the file itself. Blocks of the variables to be configured are preceded with the instruction %/ TODO: to be adjusted by the user.

  4. Run main_input_imaging.m from $FHS/imaging/ sub-directory with MATLAB. Results will be saved in the sub-directory $FHS/results/.

Testing the library with a synthetic dataset

To test the imaging pipeline with a synthetic data test similar to the one considered in [Thouvenin2021], follow the instructions below.

  1. Retrieve the S_DDE_MODEL.fits image file associated with [Dabbech2021]. Place the file in the $FHS/data/ folder at the root of the library.

    # if on MAC:
    # brew install wget
    cd $FHS/
    mkdir data && cd data
    wget -P .
  2. Generate one (or all) synthetic wideband image cube used in [Thouvenin2021] using the imaging.main_generate_cyga_cubes script. Data cubes and auxiliary matlab files will be saved in $FHS/data/.

  3. Generate a synthetic dataset using imaging.main_generate_data(). The two datasets considered in [Thouvenin2021] can be generated by running the following MATLAB instructions

    % generate data for the spatial faceting experiment
    main_generate_data('default_parameters.json', 'cygA', 8, ...
    '../data/msSpecs.mat', 'spatial', 2, 40, false, ...
    "local", false)
    % generate data for the spectral faceting experiment
    main_generate_data('default_parameters.json', 'cygA', 8, ...
    '../data/msSpecs.mat', 'spectral', 2, 40, false, ...
    "local", false)
  4. (Optional) Make a copy of $FHS/imaging/default_parameters.json, and update the main algorithm parameters specified in this file (all values are set to default, reliable values). Documentation for all the parameters involved is given in the Default parameters page.

  5. Configure imaging.main_input_imaging following the instructions provided in the documentation and the file itself. Blocks of variables to be configured are preceded with the instruction % TODO: to be adjusted by the user. Example configuration used for the experiments reported in [Thouvenin2021] is provided in the $FHS/imaging/main_input_imaging_synth.m script.

  6. Run main_input_imaging.m from $FHS/imaging/ sub-directory with MATLAB. Results will be saved in the sub-directory $FHS/results/.


To contribute to the project, make sure the following elements are properly configured before submitting any pull request (PR).

Building the documentation

  • Make sure any new functionality is properly documented using the numpy docstring style.

  • To build the documentation, issue the folowing commands.

# setup conda environment to build the documentation
conda env create --name fhs-doc --file environment.yml

# alternative using conda/pip
# conda create -n fhs-doc
# conda activate fhs-doc
# conda install pip
# pip install miss_hit
# pip install -r requirement.txt

# building the documentation in html format
cd docs
make html
  • All the generated .html files are contained in the $FHS/docs/build folder.

  • If needed, you can delete the conda environment as follows

conda env remove -n fhs-doc

Pushing the documentation online

Add a worktree from the master branch

# make sure the folder html does not exist before running the command
git worktree add $FHS/docs/build/html gh-pages
cd $FHS/docs/build/html
git add .
git commit -m "Build documentation as of $(git log '--format=format:%H' master -1)"
git push origin gh-pages
# delete the worktree
cd ../
git worktree remove html

Code layout

If you contribute code to the library (through a pull request), make sure any submitted code is properly formatted with the miss_hit package using the provided miss_hit.cfg configuration file

# activate fhs-doc environment (see previous paragraph)
conda activate fhs-doc
# run the following command from the root of the package (where the miss_hit.cfg file is)
mh_style --fix .