Source code for pyxisMs2mat.pyxis4DataExtraction

## Rodrigues compatibale simulation pipeline
## Script based on a template provided by Sphesihle Makhathini []

import json
import math
import os
import time
import im
import im.argo
import im.lwimager
import imager
import lsm
import mqt
import ms
import numpy as np
import pyfits
import pyrap.tables
import Pyxis
import as sio
import Tigger
from import ascii, fits
from casacore.tables import *
from Pyxis.ModSupport import *

PI = math.pi
FWHM = math.sqrt(math.log(256))
C = 299792458

[docs]def getdata_ms_concat_bandwidth( msf_lowbandwidth="$MSLOW", msf_highbandwidth="$MSHIGH", srcname="$SRCNAME", srcid="$FIELDID", mstag="$MSTAG", freqFirst="$FIRSTCH", freqLast="$LASTCH", ): """ Pyxis function to be used from the command line to extract data resulting from the combination of two MSs spanning two different frequency bands. Both MSs are expected to have the same specs of their associated spectral windows. Parameters ---------- msf_lowbandwidth : str, required Path to the low frequency band MS. msf_highbandwidth : str, required Path to the high frequency band MS. srcname : str, optional Name of the target source, by default "". srcid : str, optional Field id of the target source, by default 0. mstag : str, optional Name tag of the MS (required if multiple MSs), by default "". freqFirst : str, optional Index of the first channel frequency to extract from each spectral window, by default 0. freqLast : str, optional Index of the last channel frequency to extract from each spectral window, by default last channel frequency available in the MS. """ msname1 = II("%s" % msf_lowbandwidth) msname2 = II("%s" % msf_highbandwidth) srcname = II("%s" % srcname) mstag = II("%s" % mstag) try: freqFirst = int(II("%s" % freqFirst)) except: freqFirst =0 try: freqLast = int(II("%s" % freqLast)) except: freqLast =[] try: srcid = int(II("%s" % srcid)) except: srcid =0 fileid0 = 0 # channel ID counter # extract data from the first MS (low frequency band) fileidMid = getdata( msname=msname1, srcname=srcname, mstag=mstag, freqFirst=freqFirst, freqLast=freqLast, srcid=srcid, fileid0=fileid0, ) # extract data from the second MS (high frequency band) # Note that `fileidMid` needed for indexing the frequency channels of the second MS fileidEnd = getdata( msname=msname2, srcname=srcname, mstag=mstag, freqFirst=freqFirst, freqLast=freqLast, srcid=srcid, fileid0=fileidMid, ) info(" %s files extracted." % fileidEnd)
[docs]def getdata_ms( msf="$MS",srcname="$SRCNAME", mstag="$MSTAG",srcid="$FIELDID", freqFirst="$FIRSTCH", freqLast="$LASTCH"): """Pyxis function to be used from the command line to extract data from a single MS. Data from all available spectral windows will be extracted. Parameters ---------- msf : str, required Path to the MS. srcname : str, optional Name of the target source, by default "". mstag : str, optional Name tag of the MS (required if multiple MSs), by default "". srcid : str, optional Field id of the target source, by default 0. freqFirst : str, optional Index of the first channel frequency to extract from each spectral window, by default 0. freqLast : str, optional Index of the last channel frequency to extract from each spectral window, by default last channel frequency available in the MS. """ msname = II("%s" % msf) srcname = II("%s" % srcname) mstag = II("%s" % mstag) try: freqFirst = int(II("%s" % freqFirst)) except: freqFirst = [] try: freqLast = int(II("%s" % freqLast)) except: freqLast =[] try: srcid = int(II("%s" % srcid)) except: srcid =0 info("Field ID is not provided, data of field ID 0 will be extracted") fileid0 = 0 fileidEnd = getdata( msname=msname, srcname=srcname, mstag=mstag, freqFirst=freqFirst, freqLast=freqLast, srcid=srcid, fileid0=fileid0, )
[docs]def getdata(msname, srcname, mstag, freqFirst, freqLast, srcid, fileid0): """Python function to access the MS and extract relevant data into a .mat file. Parameters ---------- msname : string Path to the MS. srcname : string Name of the target source. mstag : str Name tag of the MS (required if multiple MSs), by default "". freqFirst : int Index of the first channel frequency to extract from each spectral window, by default 0. freqLast : int Index of the last channel frequency to extract from each spectral window, by default last channel frequency available in the MS. srcid : int Field id of the target source. fileid0 :int ID of the last frequency channel if MSs of multiple frequency bandwidths are provided. Returns ------- int ID of the last frequency channel if MSs of multiple frequency bandwidths are provided. """ data_parent_dir = "../data""mkdir -p %s" % data_parent_dir) data_dir = "%s/%s" % (data_parent_dir, srcname)"mkdir -p %s" % (data_dir)) data_dir = "%s/%s" % (data_dir, mstag)"mkdir -p %s" % (data_dir)) info("Data .mat files will be saved in %s" %data_dir) info(msname) tab =, write=False) info("MS table columns:", *(tab.colnames())) spwtab =, subtable="SPECTRAL_WINDOW") bandwidth = spwtab.getcol("CHAN_WIDTH")[ms.SPWID, 0] freqStepVect = spwtab.getcol("CHAN_WIDTH") freqsVect = spwtab.getcol("CHAN_FREQ") spw_numch = spwtab.getcol("NUM_CHAN") nSpw = len(spw_numch) nChperSpw = spw_numch[0] if nSpw > 1: info("%s spectral window detected, composed of %s channels each"%(nSpw,nChperSpw)) else: info("%s spectral window, composed of %s channels" %(nSpw,nChperSpw)) spwtab.close() if not freqFirst : freqFirst =0 info("First channel ID is not provided or set to 0. First channel extracted ID=%s"%freqFirst) if not freqLast : freqLast = nChperSpw-1 info("Highest channel ID is not provided. Last channel extracted ID=%s" %freqLast) # load remaining specs field = tab.getcol("FIELD_ID") srcrows = field == srcid field = field[srcrows] uvw = tab.getcol("UVW") nmeas = len(uvw[:, 0]) info("Number of measurements per channel %s" % nmeas) uvw = uvw[srcrows, :] data_id = tab.getcol("DATA_DESC_ID") data_id = data_id[srcrows] # flag row (common across channels) flag_row = tab.getcol("FLAG_ROW") flag_row = flag_row[srcrows] flag_row = flag_row.transpose() flag_row = flag_row.astype(float) npts = len(flag_row) info( "Number of measurements per channel associated with the target source: %s" %npts) # load data try: data_full = tab.getcol("CORRECTED_DATA") except: data_full = tab.getcol("DATA") info("CORRECTED_DATA not found, reading DATA instead ") data_full = data_full[srcrows, :, :] data_size = data_full.shape ncorr = data_size[2] if ncorr == 4: info("All four correlations are available") else: info("%s correlations available, Stokes I assumed" %ncorr) data_corr_1 = data_full[:, :, 0] data_corr_4 = data_full[:, :, ncorr - 1] data_full = [] # load remaining flags flagAll = tab.getcol("FLAG") flagAll = flagAll.astype(float) flagAll = flagAll[srcrows, :, :] flagAll = flagAll[:, :, 0] + flagAll[:, :, ncorr - 1] # load weights isavail_weight_spectrum = 0 try: weight_ch = tab.getcol("WEIGHT_SPECTRUM") weight_ch = weight_ch[srcrows, :, :] weight_corr_1 = weight_ch[:, :, 0] weight_corr_4 = weight_ch[:, :, ncorr - 1] weight_ch = [] isavail_weight_spectrum = 1 except: info("WEIGHT_SPECTRUM not available --> using WEIGHT") weight = tab.getcol("WEIGHT") weight = weight[srcrows] weight_corr_1 = weight[:, 0] weight_corr_4 = weight[:, ncorr - 1] weight = [] # load imaging weights isavail_imaging_weight = 0 try: weightImaging = tab.getcol("IMAGING_WEIGHT") weightImaging = weightImaging[srcrows] isavail_imaging_weight = 1 weightImaging_corr_1 = weightImaging[:, 0] # typically same weights for all corr weightImaging = [] info("IMAGING_WEIGHTS is available") except: try: weightImaging = tab.getcol("IMAGING_WEIGHT_SPECTRUM") weightImaging = weightImaging[srcrows, :, :] isavail_imaging_weight = 1 weightImaging_corr_1 = weightImaging[:, :, 0] # typically same weights for all corr weightImaging = [] info("IMAGING_WEIGHTS_SPECTRUM is available") except: weightImaging = [] for ifreq in range(freqFirst, freqLast + 1): # imaging weights wimagI = "" if isavail_imaging_weight > 0: try: wimagI = weightImaging_corr_1[:, ifreq] except: wimagI = weightImaging_corr_1 # natural weights if isavail_weight_spectrum > 0: w1 = weight_corr_1[:, ifreq] w4 = weight_corr_4[:, ifreq] else: w1 = weight_corr_1 w4 = weight_corr_4 # Stokes I data = (w1 * data_corr_1[:, ifreq] + w4 * data_corr_4[:, ifreq]) / (w1 + w4) # data = (data_corr_1[:,ifreq] +data_corr_4[:,ifreq])*0.5 weightI = w1 + w4 # flag dataflag = (np.absolute(data) ==False) flag = (dataflag.astype(float)+flagAll[:, ifreq] + flag_row) dataflag =[]; flag = (flag==False) # save data info("Reading data and writing file..Freq %s" % (ifreq)) if nSpw > 1: for iSpw in range(0, nSpw): frequency = freqsVect[iSpw, ifreq] #info("Spectral window %s, current freq id %s: %s MHz"%( iSpw, ifreq,frequency/1e6)) rows_slice = data_id == iSpw flag_slice = flag[rows_slice] #data y = data[rows_slice] y = y[flag_slice] #1/sigma nW = weightI[rows_slice] nW = np.sqrt(nW[flag_slice]) #imaging weights if available try: nWimag = wimagI[rows_slice] nWimag =np.sqrt(nWimag[flag_slice]) except: nWimag= [] #uvw in units of the wavelength uvw_slice = uvw[rows_slice] / (C / frequency) u = uvw_slice[flag_slice, 0] v = uvw_slice[flag_slice, 1] w = uvw_slice[flag_slice, 2] uvw_slice = [] #max projected baseline (needed for pixelsize) try: maxProjBaseline = np.sqrt(max(u ** 2 + v ** 2)) except: maxProjBaseline =0; fileid = 1 + fileid0 + (iSpw * nChperSpw) + ifreq dataFileName = "%s/data_ch_%s.mat" % (data_dir, fileid) #info("Channel id: %d. File saved at %s" % (fileid, dataFileName)) sio.savemat( dataFileName, { "frequency": frequency, "y": y,# data (Stokes I) "u": u,# u coordinate (in units of the wavelength) "v": v,# u coordinate (in units of the wavelength) "w": w,# u coordinate (in units of the wavelength) "nW": nW,# 1/sigma "nWimag": nWimag, #imaging weights if available (Briggs or uniform) "maxProjBaseline": maxProjBaseline,#max projected baseline }, ) npts=len(u) info("Spectral window %s, current channel id %s: %s MHz (%s data pts). File saved at %s"%(iSpw,ifreq, frequency/1e6,npts,dataFileName)) else: # applying flags frequency = freqsVect[0,ifreq] y = data[flag] ; u = uvw[flag, 0]/ (C / frequency); v = uvw[flag, 1]/ (C / frequency); w = uvw[flag, 2]/ (C / frequency); nW = np.sqrt(weightI[flag]) try: nWimag = np.sqrt(wimagI[flag]) except: nWimag =[] try: maxProjBaseline = np.sqrt(max(u ** 2 + v ** 2)) except: maxProjBaseline =0; dataFileName = "%s/data_ch_%s.mat" % (data_dir, ifreq + 1) sio.savemat( dataFileName, { "frequency": frequency, "y": y,# data (Stokes I) "u": u,# u coordinate (in units of the wavelength) "v": v, # v coordinate (in units of the wavelength) "w": w, # w coordinate (in units of the wavelength) "nW": nW, # 1/sigma "nWimag": nWimag, #imaging weights if available (Briggs or uniform) "maxProjBaseline": maxProjBaseline,#max projected baseline }, ) npts = len(u) info("Spw 0, current channel id %s: %s MHz (%s data pts). File saved at %s"%(ifreq, frequency/1e6,npts,dataFileName)) fileid = ifreq + 1 tab.close() fileid0 = fileid info("Last file id %s" % fileid0) return fileid0